Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tapping Into the Mind of God

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)
Our minds were made, not to think our own thoughts and have our own understanding, but to think His thoughts and operate in His understanding — His Spirit communicating to our spirit. That certainly unlocks the cage and sets the canary free.

What a blessed place we come to when we get tired of our own incompetent ways and limited thoughts. We don't need those stinkin' things, anyway. Never did—they only do us harm. But we have the Spirit and the Word and the Blood and the Name, and a God whose plan is to reveal His ways and His thoughts upon the earth through us!

In Joel 2 and Acts 2, God speaks of pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. “And your young men shall see visions, and your old men dream dreams.” What strikes me about that is that the old men, when they are filled with the Spirit, do not sit around reminiscing about “way back when.” No, they become oriented in a different direction. They dream dreams. They are not caught in the past but look to the future and what God is bringing forth.

Yes, God is looking for those who will dream His dreams upon the earth. He will fulfill them if we will dream them, and we will dream them when we give up on ourselves and learn to tap into Him.

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