(adapted from Colossians 1:15-20)
Christ is all-encompassing,
In every dimension and every degree.
The fullness of Christ in all things,
the fullness of all things in Christ,
with nothing left out at any point.
All things and everything.
Christ is the firstborn over all creation.
Not some,
not most,
but all.
All things have been created in Christ
and through Christ
and for Christ.
Not some,
not most,
but all.
Christ is before all things.
Not some,
not most,
but all.
And in Christ all things hold together.
Not some,
not most,
but all.
Christ is the head of the body,
the Church.
the Church.
Christ the beginning,
and the new beginning,
the firstborn from
among the dead,
so that in all things
Christ might have
the supremacy.
Not some,
Not most,
but all.
For it was pleasing to God to have
all fullness dwell in Christ.
Not some,
not most,
but all.
And through Christ
to reconcile to himself all things.
Whether things on earth
or things in heaven,
by making peace
through his blood,
shed on the cross.
Not some,
not most,
but all.