Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Remarkable Clarity of Spirit

Someone recently directed me to the website dedicated to a young man whose life shined with the glory of Jesus Christ. Johnny Chase struggled with cancer, losing a leg to that foul thing, but always rejoicing in God. He passed away in the very early hours of December 22, 2005. He was sixteen. Here is the notice posted at the website by his father:
John died this morning. For some reason Laura and I couldn’t sleep so we sat up and dozed on and off in the living room with John. He was sleeping more soundly than usual and suddenly he woke up bright and excited and said, “I’m going home now. It’s awesome. I’m going to be with Jesus.” He was so happy about it. Then he fell into a restless sleep and died peacefully several hours later. God is so merciful.
It was a remarkable clarity of the spirit he experienced as he prepared for Home. This same sort of testimony can be found over and over concerning the home-going of the saints. It is the same clarity of the spirit that we who know the Lord Jesus ought always to have while we are still on this planet. For we are born from above, our citizenship is from above, and we are presently seated in Christ Jesus in the throne room of heaven. Jesus taught us to pray, “Will of God, be done on earth as it is in heaven!” So we certainly ought to be able to see in the spirit what is going on there. It is that clarity of the spirit which, I believe, God intends when He tells us so often in Scripture, “Behold!” Johnny Chase was beholding.

 Learn to behold the things of the spiritual realm.

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