Thoughts culled from my random file, gathered from my Twitter tweets, Facebook updates and Instagrams. About love, forgiveness, glory, divine grace, and finding our lives in Christ. Some have come to me in moments of prayer and quiet reflection, some in interaction with others. Offered as “jump starts” for your faith.
- When we are unwilling to forgive, we put up a roadblock to what God wants to do in us and in the world.
- If we are not ready to forgive those who have sinned against us, we are not ready to pray the prayer Jesus taught us.
- The ability to truly forgive others is a miracle, a gift of God’s grace.
- To forgive others requires repentance on our part. On our own, we do not wish to forgive, so we must turn our soul toward God, who alone can work that miracle in us.
- Faith is not so much about certainty as it is about trust.
- Haters are gonna hate. Lovers are gonna love. Which will you be?
- If a literal reading of the Old Testament contradicts the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, then the literal reading must give way.
- The Christian life is one shaped by the death and resurrection of Christ.
- If we are disappointed in others on Jesus’ behalf, we probably need to spend more time with Jesus, who is not disappointed in any of us — he came to rescue all of us.
- The light of Christ shines in every human being and the darkness cannot overcome it.
- There is nothing that could ever put to shame the love Christ has for us.
- Sin is not a broken law but a broken relationship — with God, with each other, with creation, even within our own selves. Christ came to turn us back to God and each other, to restore all of creation and make us whole.
- Jesus entered into our darkness and faced down the accuser of our souls. He is our light.
- The light of God does not come to condemn us but to free us from our darkness.
- Salvation is not so much a matter of destination but of transformation by the divine fellowship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- True repentance, the turning of the soul toward God, is a miracle, a gift of God’s grace.
- The love of God, wisdom of God, justice of God, holiness of God — these are all one. For God is one, and God is love.
- There is no us and them in Christ. There is only the union of all things in heaven and on earth.
- The ability to see things from a different perspective is a miracle, a gift of God’s grace.
- The love, mercy and grace of God are with us always, without limitation or condition.
- You are created in the image of God, and there is nothing you can do that could ever change that. It is the truth about who you are.
- All humankind is summed up in Jesus Christ, in whom God became one with us — even in all our brokenness.
- Discipleship is learning to live in the reality of King Jesus.
- Discipleship is learning to live in the divine fellowship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Discipleship is learning to live in the fullness of God and our completeness in Jesus Christ.
- Lord my rest, teach me Your way, the simplicity of Your love.
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