Thoughts culled from my random file, gathered from my Twitter tweets, Facebook updates and Instagrams. About love, freedom, glory, humility, and finding ourselves in Christ. Some have come to me in moments of quiet reflection, some in interaction with others. Offered as “jump starts” for your faith.
- The love of God never forces our wills ... it frees our wills.
- Freedom is not the power to change who we really are but the grace to discover who we really are in God.
- The story the Scriptures tell looks very different from the outside than it does from the inside, where we realize we are part of it. It is only from the inside that we begin to understand it as the story of the gospel, the story of Christ — and truly good news.
- Mercy is God’s judgment.
- We are chosen in Christ. Faith does not make this true. Faith embraces the truth of it.
- The manifestation of evil is not in any way necessary for the glory and goodness of God to be revealed.
- The passion of the bird is to fly, and of the fish, to swim. In this way, they honor the God who made them and what they were created to be. Likewise, the passion of man is to worship and adore in holy fellowship. But when the object of our worship is anything less than God, the world disintegrates.
- The glory of God and the humility of Christ are the same thing.
- You cannot experience God second hand.
- Today I contemplate God in Christ and Christ in me. It is a good day.
- The love of God burns away all our delusions so that our wills may be truly free and we become the divine image God created us to be.
- Today I partake of Jesus my healer, in whom I am made whole.
- The good news of the gospel is that Jesus has joined Himself to us. This changes everything. Literally.
- The good news of the gospel is that you and I are part of God’s new creation in Christ.
- The good news of the gospel is that we are chosen in Christ for the unity of all things in heaven and on earth — which means that all are chosen.
- Jesus has never been about the difference between us and them — He came for all.
- To the extent we are willing to forgive others, we are allowing God’s forgiveness a place in us.
- The good news of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ we discover our true selves being renewed to the image of our Creator, and so become who we really are.
- When we love well, we are doing good theology, for God is love.
- Weep with those who weep, for tomorrow it may be your turn. And rejoice with those who rejoice. Same reason.
- Every moment, regardless of season or circumstance, is an opportunity for me to become what God has created me to be — to discover my true identity in Christ.
- Christ is the lens through which we read the Scriptures and the context by which we understand the world.
- We are always reaching out for God and each other. We just very often do not realize it.
- We fulfill the Law not by following the Law but by following the Spirit, whose fruit is love.
- Christians are those whacked-out people who believe that God has, in Christ, broken the power of sin and conquered death on our behalf — and that this changes everything.
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